From my YouGov research I was able to establish that the audience is primarily female which surprised me at first but works out well for me as the narrative is based primarily around a female protagonist and the lead singer of the band is also female. My research also showed the most common audience to be of a younger age around 15-30 approximately. Politically my narrative is irrelevant so I chose to ignore this statement due to the fact I do not think this genre deals as heavily in politics as some other genres such as Hip-Hop and Rap.
A common trend from my results shows the majority audience across the bands I researched to be interested in some form of narrative work whether this be: movies, TV Shows or reading. This helped back my narrative idea as it would surely create interest from a typical viewer perspective. This meant my idea can follow through into pre-production as it is very relevant to the potential target audience and thus would be an effective marketing tool should the video be as compelling as I hope it to be.
Questionnaire Results Analysed
For this question we can indicate the survey reached primarily a younger audience however I was able to provide results from a variety of ages i had predicted would fall within the target audience of the genre and thus i planned the video to suit around. The idea of my questionnaire was to help confirm whether my music video would prove impactful for the people it was sited for and if those people would be able to access it through listening to music.
We can tell from this result the survey reached primarily male responses however I was able to collect pretty even results from both males and females which meant the survey was going to provide me with some results which would help me suit the video to both genders as much as I could.
This shows there is a clear interest to the genre of music I am working in within the younger age range as I predicted. It shows most people do listen to the genre and thus have some invested interest within. The survey as mentioned previously was completed mainly by younger people so this helped confirm the target audience hypothesis I had set in my pitch.
This result shows there is also an interest in music videos within the primary age group which responded to the survey. This means there will not be a problem getting people of this age range to watch the video as they have pre-existing interest in these types of videos so would be incised to watch more within the same genre. This means the video potentially could have solid marketing potential.
From this result I am able to gauge people primarily prefer narrative concepts within videos. This links to my prediction from my pitch about the style of videos typical within the genre. Narratives help establish emotional connection and thus tie this to the song which creates marketing potential as listeners will buy the song in order to feel a certain way. This is enhanced through music videos often and although some indie bands do prefer conceptual or more abstract videos, My research has shown the audience to be more interested in narrative work which links to my idea for the video.
For this question I allowed people to choose multiple answers and from these results I can see Aesthetics (cinematography ect.) and meaningful storylines are what seems to be most important to the people who completed the survey. These are both elements I wish to heavily focus on within my video.
Half the people who responded to the survey seemed interested in local, less popular bands which helps confirm my target audience and establish it. It is clear people are interested in smaller bands and what they have to offer. I think due to the band I am working with being smaller a music video is going to be very beneficial and to tie it heavily to the lyrics and create a meaningful narrative behind it also will amount to the highest level of impact to the song leading people to invest more of their time listening to the song and thus the band also.
With the concept of my video focusing mainly on a serious narrative I wanted to see if this would be something people would enjoy watching and be interested in. Thankfully this is something reflected in within this survey. People also said however they do enjoy humorous elements in the right circumstances so this potentially could be something I could fit into my piece someway however would not be a focus to the final video.
In conclusion my video primarily will target an audience of teenage males between the age of 15-20. This primary target audience is attained through research I have conducted through this survey and Ugov research but is also attained from my previous experience working with the band in live gigs and observing the audience present at these events.
With the lead singer being female I have decided that my secondary audience will be females of a similar age group. This audience will be addressed through my video primarily through the performance elements and female presence within the song its self. My secondary audience is based also off my survey results and also the interest they have within the genre of music I am working in suggested by UGOV.
Miles this is a very good post with accurate analysis of some smart questions. Have you made it clear who your secondary audience is though?